
Image by Louis Hölzl.

artchitection is hosted by Philipp Sattler, a researcher, artist, thinker, and writer with a background in Architecture, Construction Design and Economics, as well as English and American Studies. His work is positioned in-between architecture and art, focussing on material conditions and interactions of agriculture, property, spatial planning and law in relation to fascism and colonialism permeating European soils. 

Philipp Sattler is Assistant Professor at IZK - Institute for Contemporary Art, Faculty of Architecture, Graz University of Technology, Austria, and a PhD student at the Royal College of Art, London, School of Architecture. He is researching the material conditions, spatial manifestations and interactions of agriculture, policy and property under the working title Trembling Worlds. Investigating Materialities and Rural Regimes of Agriculture. He is a founding member of Sans Souci Collective and Das Gesellschaftliche Ding, who operate and curate the exhibiting space Annenstrasse 53, in Graz, Austria.

Philipp Sattler was a researcher and production assistant for Exhibiting on a Trowel’s Edge. Research and investigative processes of Aflenz Memorial in becoming (2018), by artist Milica Tomić, at steirischer herbst’18 - Volksfronten festival, and co-convener, organizer, and moderator of the conference Life of Crops: Towards an Investigative Memorialization (2019) in the framework of the Aflenz Memorial in Becoming project, where he is a freelance project coordinator and researcher. He was co-convener of the IZK Theory Lecture Series.Triangulation that brings positions of contemporary art and architecture to the Graz art scene and an interested public.

Sans Souci Collective

Philipp Sattler is a founding member of Sans Souci Collective, which established itself as a research-based collective addressing the permanent state of global war using exhibiting as a method of investigation. The practice of exhibiting as a research method emphasizes a multilayered approach into spheres of societal and economic structures contextualizing architecture and urbanism. The collective constructs spatial formats for exposure of complex knowledges which develops further with each exhibition.

Annenstrasse 53,

Annenstrasse 53, is an independent exhibiting space, operated and curated by the collective Das Gesellschaftliche Ding. By dislocating teaching and research from the university students, artists, architects, theorists, and practitioners actively work toward a praxis that engages in non-normative critique, exposing and focusing on (un)learning processes. It becomes a learning space that asserts the idea of becoming a student – how to learn and how to be learned in all its uncertainty. By unravelling standardized and oppressive structures that emerged with colonialism, Eurocentrism and Americentrism, forced acculturation, fascism, and capitalism, Annenstrasse 53, conceptualizes and practices exhibiting as a continuous, open-ended process, where cross-reading generates novel thoughts and debates, as something that is thought beyond temporal and spatial closure. Within this flux, the collective  positions research as an investigative, transformative process for all involved.


Philipp Sattler has exhibited internationally and held performances individually, as member of the Sans Souci Collective, and with diverse collaborators.

On Love Afterwards, public montage with Milica Tomić and collaborators, in the framework of Europamaschine. Theatre, Film, Debate on the Ruins and the Future of Europe, Burgtheater Vienna, 2020).

Aflenz – Encoding Knowledge into Space, performance with Nelly Sanjita, Kunsthaus Graz, 2019.

Bauern are Fascists, group exhibition, Faculty of Architecture, Graz University of Technology, 2019.

Steirer Land, performance, Faculty of Architecture, Graz University of Technology, 2019.

Aflenz – Encoding Knowledge into Space, group exhibition with Nelly Sanjita, Raphael Thurnher and Nelly Tsenova, Faculty of Architecture, Graz University of Technology, 2019.

Landscape That Remembers, group exhibition, Sans Souci Collective, MNAC - The National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest, 2018.

Landschaft die sich erinnert, group exhibition, Sans Souci Collective, Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen, 2018.

Library of the Absurd, lecture performance, Towards the Expanded Field, Haus der Architektur, 2018.

Library of the Absurd – A VR experience, group exhibition, Kunsthaus Graz, 2017.

Sans Souci, exhibition and performance, Sans Souci Collective, Malta Festival, Poznan, 2017.

Sans Souci, studio exhibition and performance, Haus der Architektur Graz, 2017.


Sattler, P., Sekulić, D. and Tomić, M. “Life of Crops: Notes on Investigative Memorialisation” in Testifying to Violence Environmentally: Knowing, Sensing, Politicizing, Special Issue, Journal of Visual Culture. Forthcoming.

Sattler, Philipp. “The Bauer: Landscapes of Ideological Trauma” in Fiedler, Elisabeth (ed.) Public Art 2018-2019. Wien/Graz: Verlag für Moderne Kunst, Kunst im Öffentlichen Raum Steiermark. 2020.

Sattler, P., Sekulić, D. and Tomić, M. “Digging up the past: soil as archive” in Architectural Review, Issue 1468. February 2020.


“Who does the Earth think it is? Propaganda and Soil as Space-making Entities”, paper presentation at EAHN2021, the European Architectural History Network’s sixth international conference, in Building Word Image, EAHN Interest Group under the framework Architecture, Not Building: Actors at the Margins, 2 June 2021.

“Trembling Worlds: Investigative Materialities and Rural Regimes of Ownership”, performative lecture/paper presentation at IGmA - Institute for Principles of Modern Architecture (Design and Theory), University of Stuttgart, IGmA Doctoral colloquium, 15 April 2021.

to be updated.

Lectures and Talks

“The Bauer. On the production of property and agriculture”, two performative walks and discussions, at Oeverwerk, a project by Art in Public Space Styria and the department space&designSTRATEGIES at Kunstuniversität Linz, Graz. 2020.

“Questions from an architect who reads. On research and subjectivity”, lecture and working session, at “The Sublime Landscape and its Relations to Labor”, master studio at IZK - Institute for Contemporary Art, Graz. 2020.

“Reconfiguration of labour and property relations in Styria 1938 - 1950”, opening talk for Milica Tomic, The Small Letter „a“, at Charim Galerie, Wien. 2020.

“Library of the Absurd”, performance lecture, at Towards the Expanded Field. 2018.


to be updated.


“Intermezzo - Künstlerinnen und Künstler im Gespräch”, radio interview together with Milica Tomić, Ö1, broadcast on 23/09/2018.

Artist Tour”, interview together with Milica Tomić on the exhibition Exhibiting on a Trowel’s Edge. Research and investigative processes of Aflenz Memorial in becoming. 2018.

to be updated. (blok)


Unseen Lands. Of Worlds In The Making”, panel moderation, with Anousheh Kehar, Bassam El Baroni, and Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, at Life of Crops: Towards an Investigative Memorialization. 2019.

Trowel's Edge panel discussion”, panel moderation, with Christian Frosch and Bertrand Perz, at steirischer herbst’18. 2018.

to be updated.


1st prize, Union Investment Student Competition “Gürtelturm Graz”, 2019.

Special prize, Mind The Gap - Award for Gender and Diversity, for the Master thesis “Portrait of the Bauer. On Architecture and Agronomy of Property”, 2020.

Stipends and funding

to be updated.